Happy New Year

What a year it has been! A year full of mixed of fortune! Prepared to take the biggest challenge of my life probably up till now and then learnt how to embrace failure. But it has been a fine year. The life didnt settle completely but many piece fell in to there places. Met new people and made new friends while managed to not to lose many lol. Thank you for those who were always there for me, you know who you are and how much I owe and love you! May Allah bless and reward you!
A troublesome year for my homeland and even more difficult times ahead. I pray that future year is a good one (let aside better), today we owe this country more than the country owes us! May Allah bless Pakistan! Remember me in your prayers!

Hammad Anwar


  1. Well written... Happy New Year to u too! Stay Blessed! :)

  2. Thank you Anum! :) For your all unconditioned care and love :)

  3. My pleasure, anytime! :)That's really sweet of you!


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