During my IVLP visit to USA, On Thursday, April 10, the World Affairs Council – Seattle held a panel discussion at the Mayflower Park Hotel on E. Olive Way. Approximately 50 attendees from various media sources filled the downstairs room. The Seattle Lesbian featured our visit which is given below. The original story can be found here:
Pakistani Youth Leaders Look to America for Separation of Church and State
“Islam does not allow it. We don’t have this issue,” said Hussain.
“But there is no law for people to marry, and there is no law to discriminate in Pakistan either. The third gender is recognized in Pakistan and can vote,” Nawaz chimed in.
Pakistani Youth Leaders Look to America for Separation of Church and State
The Department of State’s International Visitor Leadership Program invited eight youth visionaries from Pakistan to the United States from March 31 to April 18, 2014. The program, dubbed “Young Leaders: Activism Through Social Media – A Project for Pakistan,” was arranged by Graduate School USA, located in Washington, DC.
Hammad Anwar represented Rabtt.org as Social Media Manager; Blogger Fatima Arif was there on her own accord; Abdul Aziz represented Pakistan’s Youth on Cricket (YOC) Blog as CEO; Sahib Khan Bhand represented the Information and Archives Department in the Government of Sindh; Iftikhar Hussain attended for Piclome, Inc.; Zoya Ishaq represented Terminology Production Private (TRP); Syed Faraz Liaquat rallied for Young Social Reformers; and editor and activist Rab Nawaz was there to support Khudi Paistan.
The group was accompanied by Tasnim Rizvi and Ms. Gaitee Hussain, Simultaneous Urdu Interpreters, and Syed Hussain, Administrative Interpreter.
For all nine visitors, this U.S. sponsored trip was their first time stepping foot on American soil.
On Thursday, April 10, the World Affairs Council – Seattle held a panel discussion at the Mayflower Park Hotel on E. Olive Way. Approximately 50 attendees from various media sources filled the downstairs room. An overflow of guests lined the walls.
A topic of contention occurred immediately in regard to Pakistan’s lack of 3G services. Pakistan is the only major country in the region that still does not offer the modern connection to the outside world. Neighboring Afghanistan obtained 3G in 2012.
Then, during a scheduled Q&A section of the evening, the topic of blasphemy surfaced. An audible stir in the audience occurred. Would discussing homosexuality on social media networks in Pakistan be considered blasphemy?
“There is not anybody who is open about this kind of thing,” Ishaq told The Seattle Lesbian. “But there is one actor who dresses up as a woman and hosts shows like that. He is quite popular.”
“Islam does not allow it. We don’t have this issue,” said Hussain.
Nawaz had a slightly different response.
“There is not an organized group that speaks about this,” Nawaz said. “But there are underground groups in the bigger cities that have formed, but they are not well-known. My newspaper, in fact, published an article about homosexuality and saying Islam should accept a person, who is this, and we were basically told to leave it alone and that we shouldn't have this kind of view.”
Still, for others the answer was placed squarely on the country’s religious convictions. “One of things for Muslim people is that we are taught to care for others who are not Muslim first. So our religion does not allow for a Muslims to be gay, [and] it is our duty to help others,” said Aziz.
“But there is no law for people to marry, and there is no law to discriminate in Pakistan either. The third gender is recognized in Pakistan and can vote,” Nawaz chimed in.
“The third gender, however, is recognized now and has a separate identity on the National Identity Cards (unlike previously in Pakistan) and can now vote and also contribute to the economy as tax collectors,” added Ishaq.
Ishaq added that progressive Pakistani people looked to the U.S. as an example of the separation of church and state.
“Pakistan needs to understand that culture and religion are two separate things and there needs to be a clear line drawn between them,” Ishaq said.
Anwar didn’t think that would occur in the near future or, perhaps, ever.
“As Pakistan being one of the very ideological states religion forming the very basis of that ideology, personally I don’t see the separation between Church and State happening in near future or perhaps ever,” Anwar said. “But what is important is that everyone should be treated equally and given same rights and opportunities. This is something which is totally non controversial and not harming the basically sensitive ideological basis.”
Anwar is a blogger and activist, and is responsible for managing the social media platforms of Rabtt, a youth social initiative that promotes critical and independent thinking through educational camps. He oversees the group’s public relations, online marketing and networking. His work centers on current political and social issues affecting both Pakistan and its youth.
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